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<<We have a wide range of courses that are available depending on the demand. Phone us and get information of those available for the date you want.<<

Online English Courses

35-hour continuous training

Food-Handler Card

Food-handler card and allergens card

Sporadic courses

Photography, Marketing, English, Corporate Image, Creativity, Photo Edition, Graphic Design…


It is a fact that our children will face up to more diverse and difficult problems every day. Above all, through all their growth, problems that require the familiarization with the new environment, which implies new ways of adaptability. It is in this environment where creativity rises as a main tool to solve new situations. Creativity is the key if we want independent children in their way of thinking, kids that can assimilate well the situations they live, that are able to reason out and question, that are sensitive with the environment and have a penchant for the exploration of the world that is around us, to get new solutions for the daily problems and learn to know themselves.

A kid develops in his/her 6 first years of life a great variety of abilities that will remark his/her future. Among these skills is creativity. Although all children are creative, there are different ways to stimulate this ability to make it stay and improve. Advantages of creativity: it builds self-esteem, it improves the consciousness of ourselves, it develops communication, it makes it socialization easier and it strengths integrity.